Our equipment transforms biowaste into bioresources

Virtuous treatment of packaged biowaste is only possible if the soup is of the right quality, to ensure better methanization and, above all, better return to the soil.

Pictogramme qualité organique premium

The virtuous management of your bio-waste

Step 1: Waste collection

Supermarkets, food industry, municipalities, restaurants and households all produce biowaste. In France, it is estimated that over 18 million tonnes of biowaste are produced every year, and collecting this waste is an essential step in ensuring that your region is part of a circular bio-waste economy.

See the technology
Collecte des déchets en vue de les transformer en soupe

The virtuous management of your bio-waste

Step 2: Depackaging

Whether packaged individually, in bags or in bulk, the challenge is to be able to separate the organic matter from the packaging or other undesirable materials: this is called depackaging. The aim is twofold: on one hand, the purest possible organic pulp, and on the other one, clean packaging free of organic matter.

See the technology
Illustration du tri des déchets

The virtuous management of your bio-waste

Step 3 : Valorization

The organic pulp is then valorized (1) either directly by composting, or by methanisation to produce biogas and digestate, which is then used as fertilizer on the fields. A pulp with no undesirable ingredients produces compost or digestate that enriches the soil.

See the technology
illustration de deux méthaniseurs

The virtuous management of your bio-waste

Step 4: Close the biowaste loop

The Flexi technology eliminates the need to shred biowaste, guaranteeing a unique soup quality. Biowaste is truly transformed into bioresources and returned to the soil in a virtuous way. The biowaste loop is closed.

See the technology
Illustration de la boucle du biodéchet

Our high-performance equipment

Image de synthèse représentant la machine flexidry
Logo flexidry

Optimised depackaging solution for recovering 2,500 tonnes to 12,000 tonnes of biowaste per year.

Discover Flexidry
Image de synthèse représentant la machine flexiboost
Logo Flexiboost

Optimised depackaging solution for recovering 10,000 tonnes to 35,000 tonnes of biowaste per year.

Discover Flexiboost
Image de synthèse représentant la machine flexipure
Logo Flexipure

Plug&play filtration solution: increase the quality of any organic soup.

Discover Flexipure

They close the biowaste loop

Christophe Rousseau

Photo de Christophe Rousseau, agri-méthaniseur

On our installation, we were looking for a tool that would enable us to obtain a perfect pulp, with no undesirable ingredients. After equipping ourselves with the Flexidry, which had the most promising properties in terms of pulp quality, we worked closely with Green Creative to develop and install a Flexiboost line in order to meet our new throughput challenges and obtain even better pulp quality, which is vital because we use the digestate produced by methanisation for our own fields, and are the first to ensure that biowaste is returned to the soil in perfect condition.

Agri-méthaniseur située sur l'exploitation de Green CreativeMachine flexipure

Vincent Tillol

Groupe paprec

"After a first experience of depackaging, we decided to invest in FLEXIDRY equipment to obtain an organic pulp with no plastic residues. Biowaste recovery is a demanding profession, requiring impeccable know-how. Flexidry's pulp quality meets our objectives and enables us to produce clean compost with no residues."

Jean-Pierre Delaporte

Photo de Jean-Pierre Delaporte, partenaire de déchets Sdomode

"We chose the Flexidry because of the quality of the organic pulp produced after depackaging the biowaste. This is a key issue for us, because we work with farming partners who will use the digestate as fertiliser in their fields, after the organic matter has been converted into biogas. It is therefore necessary to produce an organic pulp with a very high level of purity and no plastic residues."

Florent Sanviti

Photo de Florent Sanviti, composteur

"We chose Flexidry because it is manufactured in France and the quality of the pulp produced is superior to other competitors equipment. Flexidry improved our composting conditions and the quality of the compost produced."

Installation d'un composteurInstallation d'un composteur

A better understanding of the biowaste sector

I want to set up a biowaste recovery business in my area. What are the main stages ?

Biowaste recovery is a local issue. You need to understand who the players in the biowaste loop are at local level, and how you can get involved. To find out all you need to know, Green Creative has produced a white paper entitled "The 10 essentials for getting started with biowaste", available here.

Flèche tabulation

What are the regulatory requirements for soup quality ?

Pursuant to the decree of 02 March 2023 - ICPE heading, the regulatory thresholds for inerts present in the post-deconditioning organic soup to be complied with are established at 0.3% in the dry matter. These thresholds apply to plastic, glass and metals larger than 2mm. FLEXI technology produces a soup with a 0.1% inert content.

Flèche tabulation

What is the difference between Flexi technology and deconditioning by shredding ?

During deconditioning, when packaged bio-waste is shredded with its container, it is much more difficult to obtain a quality of organic soup without inert materials, because the plastic is shredded and mixed with the organic material. FLEXI technology, by contrast, is a "soft" technology. Based on a unique perforation-compression system, the packaging is not shredded and the organic soup quality is maintained.

Flèche tabulation

How do I choose the right deconditioning line for my project ?

Your choice of packaging line will be determined by the forecast tonnage of biowaste you intend to recycle per year. Our deconditioning solutions are suitable for projects ranging from 5,000t to 25,000t per year, for all types of biowaste.

Flèche tabulation

Book an appointment with our experts

Context, feasibility, business model and environmental impact, let's discuss your biowaste project.

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